There many different kinds of Gyaru out there. My favorites are the kawaii(cute) ones like Hime, and others. Tho, I am actually a B-Gyaru. Anways I'm here to tell you all about different kinds of Gyaru so you know what type of Gyaru you really are. :)
They had extremely dark tans, wore very wide, white panda circles around their makeup, and at time even drew designs or whiskers on their cheeks. They stuck small stickers all over their cheeks around their eyes, and even used white paint pens to get the extreme white they desired. Their hair could be any color of the rainbow, and was teased to stand anywhere from 10 to 15 cm off their heads. Extensions almost always were worn, sometimes in different colors. Their clothes were bright and outlandish.

Kogyaru-The first style and the oldest is Kogyaru fashion. The best thing to look cute in Japan, it is of course the school uniform! It is essential to any Kogyaru!Indeed, they must be cute but also sexy, so it is not unusual to see high school students wearing skirts abnormally short or with a shirt knotted on the chest .
The loose-socks are the indispensable accessory , these socks are very long and wide, they are wore loosely by making pleats on the ankles and calves, falling on shoes. The length depends on the number of pleats desired, between 30cm and 150cm. Planned originally in the simple purpose of keeping warm during winter, even among other students, it is a fashion accessory absolutely essential and is part of their school uniform If there is something absolutely essential in Kogyaru fashion, it is the hairstyle!They can spend hours taking care of their hairstyle! The main feature of Kogal hair is the color! From brown to blond, it is necessary to go through bleaching ! The goal is always to be different from common girls, typical Japanese. Secondly, to accentuate further the difference in style, it is necessary to give their hair some body, using all means like: brushing, hair extensions or curling iron, everything is good! The volume of hair having the advantage of changing the face.

A classier style, very similar to regular gyaru-kei in fashion, but including only sexy or very stylish clothes, so for example you would wear a camisole instead of a tshirt, and heels are really the only footwear. There is a HUGE emphasis on designers brands, this is really the main point of Oneegal. Brands are very, very important as well as social status, which go hand in hand really. Don't do this unless you have plenty of money!

More like Onegal, includes things like silk camisoles, mini skirts and shorts, blouses, etc. People in casual hime often have their hair down and curled. Really the only time it's acceptable for himegal to have straight hair is if your hair is short or it's partially up.
Rasta style is big in Japan so of course it is big in GAL style also, characterized by Jamaican flags, red-green-yellow, Bob Marley, and lots of straw handbags or hemp clothing. Not to be confused with B-Gyaru but can be sort of a spin-off also.
O-Gyaru are all simply dirty Gyaru ! It is a fashion in which the principle is to not wash ... Makeup, hair colors, self-tanning cream are very expensive, and the young gyaru are poor, so they had to find a way to allow themselves to not spend too much money while having a very strong visual identity.
A Ogyaru often remains in pajamas, even outside and she doesn't use any make-up remover because it's expensive and keeping the makeup of the day before save a lot of time in the morning.

Fashion magazines like Egg and Cawaii magazine have had a direct influence on the ganguro. The ganguro culture has evolved its own synchronized dances, called Para Para. Participants do predetermined moves at the same time, usually as accompaniment to J-pop music. Para Para events are held by ganguro circles, and involve either going to clubs to perform Para Para or gathering to learn new dances.

Gyaru kei has many sub-categories, here are some of the most common ones:
Amekaji-American Casual: "American casual" style. Gals wear what is commonly scene in America, but with a little more effort. A very popular brand is Cocolulu. Mickey Mouse is very popular.
A rather rock-inspired style, with the brand "moussy" in the lead. It has a few similarities to Saike, but without the tie-dyed and the too colourful hair - it's still rather wild though. The clothing has more ripped jeans and kind of edgy tops, rock-style belts etc.
- Roma Gyaru-Romantic Gal: Gal that wears frilly, cute clothes etc.
- Bohemian: Bohemian print dresses, fake fur waistcoat, etc.
- Miritari-Military:'One Point' eg 1 item of camo or military style.
- Rokku-Rock: Rock and biker style. Rock style tee, stripes, plaid, skull prints, denim etc. Lots of dark color and hard elements like spikes and leather jackets, yet still feminine. Faux-hawks, plaid, and Vivienne Westwood are very popular.
- Rizouto-Resort: General, gypsy skirts, shorts, tees etc. summer clothes.
- Marin-Marine: Blue/Red/White stripes, anchors etc, marine stuff!
- Haady Gal: is purely a creation of Egg and so it barely deserves notation here, but since people talk about it so much: Includes brands such as JSG and Galaxxy, tied in with rock/punk style Gal fashion. Very bright, often multi-coloured clothes and crazy patterns.

They also practice a Japanese method of trying and pick girls up, called Nanpa, widely used by Japanese youth, and particularly by gyaru-o. Here is the concept, a gyaru-o stays in a very public place of their city and waits. As soon as he sees a ganguro that he likes, he will talk with her, and when they are at ease, he takes her in a cafe or in a karaoke. Then followed a few hours of fun. . . and then, they go to a love hotel without any second rendezvous.
Ok, Hope you all enjoyed the pictures and information, if you would like to know about something more of the Gyaru Style. Please informe me. :)
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